Gofundme for Lisa Lichtenfels

Many of you are probably aware of Lisa Lichtenfels amazing work. You may also be aware that last year she had breast cancer at the same time she lost her husband. She’s recovering well from the cancer, but has developed arthritis that is making resuming work difficult.

Lisa’s artwork is incredible, but when I met her I was so impressed with her as an individual my overwhelming impression was that I would have been just as impressed with her no matter what she did. But the artwork! They are often mistaken for photos of real people, but they are built with layers of batting over metal armatures. Her dolls have souls.

If you aren’t familiar with her work, you can find pictures at http://lisalichtenfels.net.

Connie Smith just posted an update on the gofundme she started to help support Lisa. Lisa has started to work again, but it’s tough and her house needs many repairs that were delayed for years.


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